
Check out my new, I don't know what to call it, but check out My Life. A close personal journal about my life and everything that goes on in it. Won't you come along for the ride? :)


Oh my god you guys are so amazing! I love you all so much. I am close to eleven thousand reads on Broken! Oh my goodness that is absolutely amazing just like you all. But I have some news. So I recently noticed that I want to be more active on the internet if that's the right choice of words. So I created a youtube account where people can message me there problems and I will make a video helping them with it. Everything is totally confidential. I am mainly doing this because everyone needs someone who is always going to be positive towards them. No one wants or needs negativity in their lives, it only brings you down. So my lovely fans go check it all out! 
          I will start adding videos ASAP! I need some messages first though :)   I love you all thank you so much. You all make me so humble and I hope you are having a lovely day/night and remember you are gorgeous no matter what anyone says :)


Please write more I am hooked on this story!!! I cried & cried the cat looked at me like I'm crazy!!! I read this story of yours in a day. Your an amazing author. You got talent & your using it! The cliff hanger was evil but keeps the reader hooked!!!