
Mi fate un grandissimo favore se potreste seguire deby_love, grazie ;^)


@ ShannonMcCartey  Grazie mille ❤


          Hey ShannonMcCartey
          Did you hear about the FREE MONEY & GIFT CARD RAFFLE Wattpad is throwing? 
          Basically everyone is entitled to bagging themselves a FREE prize, it's pretty AMAZING!
          I already EARNED myself $500 in DOLLARS in my PayPal last night and received it this morning :)
          You don't have to choose money though, you can also choose from a BIG selection of GIFT-CARDS such as XBOX, PSN, ITUNES, AMAZON, STEAM, SPOTIFY, etc. IT'S COOL!
          To claim your reward all you have to do is go to the OFFICIAL REWARDS GIVEAWAY page BELOW   + CHECK OUT the WEB-SITE on their PAGE


Ciaoooo! Grazie di cuore per il follow ♥ Se ti va, passa a leggere la mia storia! Si intitola " Come sole & neve " ed è una storia d'amore con qualche sfumatura ironica e drammatica.  Magari potresti dirmi che ne pensi sinceramente :-)
          Grazie ancora e scusa per il disturbo ♥


@ NullaAccadePerCaso  storia bellissima! Ha e stai tranquilla non mi hai disturbata 