I am a wife, a mother and a writer.  A veterinarian, a knitter and a self-taught photographer.  A wanna be runner and a theoretical exerciser.  I love fresh baked bread, dreaming dogs and a good bottle of wine. Oh and in the morning nothing beats a piping hot cup of coffee with a dab of real cream (scooped straight from the top of the jar); best if shared with friends. 

I fantasize about living on a farm but reside in the suburbs. We have nineteen pets (two dogs, two cats, seven chickens, five quail, two cockatiels and one rabbit). Nary a partridge or pear tree to be found. I'm learning to play the bagpipes and therefore suggest you think twice before purchasing in my neighborhood. Then again if you like animals and God awful caterwauling then by all means come and be my neighbor.

My sister has uprooted her six kids and plopped them on a sailboat. Currently they are sailing around Panama. There are days I think she may be the sane one. My niece is getting quite a bit of fodder for her writing. I'm proud of what my niece has accomplished and can only hope to write as well as she.

My current writing features my children. Though I've taken keys from their personalities the writing is purely fictional. You probably figured that out when the dragonfly started to talk.

Things I'm currently digging:
Orange is the New Black
Dr. Who

Oh and my name is pronounced Chalet (as in house). What were my parents thinking? I have no idea. No idea at all.
  • Bend, Oregon
  • JoinedOctober 2, 2013
