
Also, the cover is my first attempt at photoshop. Your inputs appreciated. 


Heya followers!
          No, this is not a new year's message. I mean it could be, but I'm not writing this just to wish you guys. This is to announce my next book. The thing is... It's not technically mine.
          I took most of 2017 off from writing because I wanted to focus on another hobby of mine- artificial intelligence and machine learning. So since I haven't given enough to the readers this year, I figured I might as well have something to show for it. 
          "Knowledge and Divinity: Intelligence" is a book written by AI. I guess that statement pretty much explains itself. Check it out!


Hey guys!
          This message is to inform y'all that I'm now on Tumblr. A friend recommended it to me and I'd heard about it before, so I decided to try it out. Here's my Tumblr blog
          About my stories... I've sat down in front of my screen for the millionth time this month and tried to get some words out of my fingers, but I can't. I just can't. It's not writer's block, I know what I want to write, I just don't... WANT to write, if you get my meaning. updates in the near future. Sorry about this. I'll try to get back to my story as soon as I can. Stay tuned!


@shahsoumil thank you. You as well. 


Good to hear from you too. Best of luck for kingdoms rising and everything else going on in your life


@shahSoumil I was planning to continue book 2 and I have an outline and everything ready to go but I got some really good feedback on book 1 and I think I'm going to start on some major editing and get to book 2 when I can. So at this point probably not anytime soon. Sorry. But this is the first time in almost a year that I have felt the urge to get back into writing. I count that as a plus no matter what I end up doing. :-) 
            All is good here. Just ridiculously crazy and busy as always. Good to hear from you. 


When's the next chapter coming out, just curious I'm not rushing.


@UnknownDevil6541 Lol thank you for being so understanding :)


Take your time. Quality, not quantity.


@UnknownDevil6541 next week, next month, who knows? I started to write again yesterday for the first time in six months. Had a lot of other things going on in my life. But I'll definitely try to finish it by the end of this week, that I can promise.


Okay, I seriously wanna know the algorithm wattpad uses to rank books. A few days ago I randomly open wattpad to find that both of my books had suddenly jumped to being under #10 in adventure, even though number of reads or votes hadn't changed a bit. Their rank has slowly been increasing since then. Wattpad... What???


Another important milestone- my book just crossed 2k reads! A bit overdue, I know, but I don't actually publicise it. Also, book 2 is almost about to end! Actually it's about to end for a month now, I just can't find the right amount of motivation to write the climax. Sorry about that. All I can say about it right now is that when I do write it, it would be worth the wait. I promise. And, yes, happy new year! Also overdue, sorry. What else have I missed... merry Christmas? Happy holidays? Best of luck for your exams? I'm a lazy, procrastinating pile of crap, I know that. Sorry about that too. Be well, all of you, and thank you for reading!


Hey dude! It's great to see that we both have similar interests! I think that you should consider taking up physics research as a job in the future!


I know! It'll be really tough! But hey, I've gotta try my best.


@Darkusbooks considering you're an American citizen, that's not impossible for you, but it's close to impossible. 


@ShahSoumil well, I'm looking forward into CalTech or something 