
I don’t know if it’s bad I write freestyle, I guess that’s the word, on some stories while others I try to write the ideas for the story down.


So I was planning on bringing Guilty Conscience back on March 5th since it would’ve been a month like I wanted but right now I’m just drained, both mentally and physically.
          It’s so bad that I’ve lost track of what day it is, had to be reminded what day it was today. 
          I’m just assuming the root of the issue is from stress and just being overworked and underpaid but I’m not entirely sure. 
          So I guess until the next update this is it for now, see y’all in a bit.


Won’t lie, just noticed how many people have read at least a chapter of Guilty Conscience and I’ve just got to say thank y’all. 
          Never thought any story would ever get that many views with how long I’ve been on here, then again a lot of my earlier stuff was… awful.


Hey guys, I’m still alive. Originally my break was going to be a month but my break is going to be extended for a little longer because my grandmother passed last Sunday and we buried her Wednesday, I won’t go into it too much but she was like a second mother when I was growing up. 
          I’ll try to make a comeback sometime next month but for now I’m still trying to put pieces together again and be there for my grandfather right now.


@AzurAnime Thank you, will try to


@Shadowofthemind Sorry for your loss hope you get better


I know I just got back from a break and some of y’all probably get annoyed by these since I also put these in chapters when I update them but I’m stepping away again for a while, got a lot of personal things going on and my mental is near breaking from it and me not being able to focus on anything besides driving.
          Don’t know how long I’m going to be gone but it’s going to be a while before I’m back for sure.
          I really ain’t got much more to say besides that, don’t really want to pad this out so I guess I’ll see all y’all on the flip side.


So I’m going on another break since I’ve got a debut fight Saturday night and I’m probably going to need a few days to get my thoughts back on writing especially since I’ve mainly been preparing for this fight both mentally and physically for the past two weeks so I haven’t really been able to hardly brainstorm anything on any stories in the works right now but I guess that’s why I write multiple chapters ahead in cases like these.
          Anyways I just thought I’d let y’all know why nothing is getting updated if I’m gone longer than expected.


I know not a lot of people follow to hear about personal stuff but yesterday marked fours months of sobriety for me, reason why I’m bringing it up is because of how hard it’s been to keep it going with how the cards have fallen for me since that night. 
          Two weeks after that night, if some of y’all saw, I had to get an emergency appendectomy done and my supervisor at that job never told hr so I got let go since I had put my two weeks in but was going to rescind it because the place I was going decided not to hire me after I told them I wasn’t going to be able to work for two weeks, after almost a month I got another job after turning another one down because they were going to hire me outright but lied about what I was going to do until I started working so I called the one I turned down and got that one so I told my boss at that current one I was going to work out the two weeks but on payday he gave me my pay, fired and then insulted me on the way out the door and then the one after that I lasted a month before they reluctantly let me go because of how fast the company wants apprentices to be on their own. Everywhere I apply says I need x amount of years of experience and that the years I spent doing this in trade in high school and college don’t count so I’ve just been in a mostly downward spiral since the 22nd last month with brief moments of positivity like what’s coming up next week for me.
          I didn’t write any of this for pity, I just wanted to get a lot of stuff off my chest and explain why if some moments in any stories seem a bit off. But if you’ve made it this far I just want to say thanks for reading my status and I guess I’ll see y’all in the next story update or status update.


I just got a message about a story that hasn’t been updated in a while, which could be numerous at this point.
          I’m not mad but wasn’t expected to be hit by that message from Wattpad any time soon.


@Excusemeh_aj5 Thanks for the heads up, don’t want to lose anything that I might come back to later on


this message may be offensive
 It’s an automated bullshit messaging stating that you haven’t updated a story in like two days and because it’s ongoing their gonna “delete it”. It’s a whole rumor going around that Wattpad will delete any stories marked ongoing so it’s be best to mark your works as complete Incase this rumor turns out to be true. I don’t think it is but I did so just to be safe and it’s Wattpad so I wouldn’t put it past them to be this stupid.