
I cleaned out my library!! Finally!! I had so many stories that I just don't read or haven't been updated in like years(lots of those) so I got rid of a lot of them!! I might get rid of one of the stories I'm working on right now so can You guys please give me some feedback on which story you guys think I should delete. I may write a different story(not kpop) later on in the upcoming year. So yeah! Give me some feedback which story should be deleted please!!


I cleaned out my library!! Finally!! I had so many stories that I just don't read or haven't been updated in like years(lots of those) so I got rid of a lot of them!! I might get rid of one of the stories I'm working on right now so can You guys please give me some feedback on which story you guys think I should delete. I may write a different story(not kpop) later on in the upcoming year. So yeah! Give me some feedback which story should be deleted please!!


OKAY! So I am working on the next chapter right now. It will be badly written as I am not confident in my writing skills already, even more so my smut skills. Please be patient as I do write in small bursts. I apologize fr making the people(like three) that read this story. Please give me feedback on any of the chapters, as long as they are not a critirizism that can be considered bullying. I love all of you very much and hope you guys will continue to like my stories!


@ruinedbyChanBaek Thank You! Should be posted either today or tomorrow so...