
@risemboolranger Thank you~ I've actually extended that list quite a bit since I've last been on here.


@ShadowMaster08  I got up to the middle, and then I switched to reading it. It's just simpler for my mind to process~ 
          I think it's something to do with the prophecy? I'm not too sure to be honest. Heh. I just breezed through them, I'm not sure how much sleep I got while reading them.
          Shadows and Echoes are very similar, seeing as they're both there but not there at the same time. It's fun to try and explain them~
          I figured~ It was pretty entertaining. :3


@ShadowLife18 Wait, so you finished it?
          Hmm sounds like it would be good. Ima look for them now. Gonna try to read them.
          Yeah I heard there was another book but I didnt know what it was called. The books are pretty good. I couldnt and didnt want to stop reading, of course until they ended.
          Yes, you do got a point. That's pretty much how I got Shadow but to me it also is a good thing. 
          But really it's on how you see it.
          Haha the Master part was a joke. Thought it would be funny to put it out there =P  


@ShadowMaster08  I watched it on Yountube, and then or something. I can't quite remember now. IT's been awhile~
          The Night Circus is an amazing book, I just don't even know how to describe it. The perspective it's written from, and all of the characters...It's simply captivating.
          The Night World is an amzing series as well. I'm still waiting for the final book though, which is a pain.
          You may call me Echo, yes. It's a pretty thing really, but kinda sad if you think about it~ 
          Like a Shadow...Shadows can be a little sad too.
          Alright, Shadow it is xD I feel like calling you Master would feel...strange.


@ShadowMaster08 I'm caught up on Bleach, I ended up just reading it at one point because I had trouble watching the episodes. So many fillers, ha. I still love Bleach though, especially Squad 11 xD 
          I agree with you n the books, but I read another one that wasn't a part of a series but it was pretty good. Ah, I think it's The Night Circus or something similar.
          You can call me Echo is you'd like~ Or Umbra. Some people call me Umbra, it's shadow in latin. Heh.