
I'm gonna use my laptop to post on this account from now on. So, I probably won't post that often, but I will post. 


It's okay to be sad, or hurt, or angry. Lord knows they're all normal, natural emotions. Just find a healthy way to release your frustrations. My healthy way is to write. I write a lot. Every day for hours on end. I just don't post, because I'm much too afraid of the world's opinion. Of you guys' opinions. Yet, somehow, I still think of myself as an attention whore. You know, because that makes so much sense. Either way, I need help, and I will try to start posting. Of course, that's much easier said than done.


Hello. I'm not sure if people actually read these, but I'm trying. So, basically, I have this great new story idea, but, just like always, I pulled it straight out of my ass. As in, I just started writing and planned nothing. Should I still post the story, or should I wait and figure out where it's gonna go first? I need your for real opinion on this guys. I'm super nervous to post anything, especially this story in particular. 


@_DirtyAngel_ Thank you. I'm really trying to get into this girl's story. There are a lot of questions that need answers. 


@Shade_Midnight Oh well that sounds pretty cool I think I would like to read that