
I’m sorry about the wait for updates guys! Please be patient with me as I just do this for fun on the side. I have kids, a full time job, and I run an Etsy shop so I do have my hands full most days. Please just be patient with me, I do have posts that are nearly ready and I’ll get them up as soon as I’m able ❤️


@Shade259 take your time bae it's okay 


Take your time! We will be here for whenever you are able to update on your own time!  I appreciate you sharing your stories with us! 


I’m sorry about the wait for updates guys! Please be patient with me as I just do this for fun on the side. I have kids, a full time job, and I run an Etsy shop so I do have my hands full most days. Please just be patient with me, I do have posts that are nearly ready and I’ll get them up as soon as I’m able ❤️


@Shade259 take your time bae it's okay 


Take your time! We will be here for whenever you are able to update on your own time!  I appreciate you sharing your stories with us! 


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait! I know plenty are eager for me to post updates to my fics, and I promise those are coming and I’m so sorry for the wait. 
          Been a little preoccupied lately as I just opened up an Etsy shop, selling candles, custom perfumes etc with scent combinations I chose for each of the boys of Stray Kids and Ateez. (Gonna add more later on, just starting with them) personally, I love the linen sprays as you can use it on fabrics like blankets and have that scent to wrap up in. 
          With the shop up and running now, I’ll get back to posting updates! Feel free to check out my shop and support me if you like it ❤️ 


It’s here!!!!!!