
I am unpublishing Book Of Power because I have renamed it and re-written the start. I will be posting the prologue of the book in a few days. I have been working very hard for this to be good. I really hope you guys like it. When I began to write the book I didn't know how much work, hard work, that goes into making a book. There is a lot that goes behind the scenes. I love this story so much, and It hasn't changed, just the way it's written and planned will be different, and I hope better. PLEASE READ I HAVE WORKED SO HARD.


I am unpublishing Book Of Power because I have renamed it and re-written the start. I will be posting the prologue of the book in a few days. I have been working very hard for this to be good. I really hope you guys like it. When I began to write the book I didn't know how much work, hard work, that goes into making a book. There is a lot that goes behind the scenes. I love this story so much, and It hasn't changed, just the way it's written and planned will be different, and I hope better. PLEASE READ I HAVE WORKED SO HARD.


Hey everyone. The reason I haven't posted in a long time is because I have been trying to fully develop The Book Of Power. I realized the book wasn't going where I wanted it to go, so I am developing characters and places a lot more to bring the story to life. I have been reading more and trying rly get inspiration because I wanted to make this book as good as it can be. I will post as soon as possible, but that could mean in a few months. I have changed the name of the book completely, and you guys will find out when I post again. I am re writing the whole story again. PLEASE STAY TUNED THOUGH FOR AKAMU AND THE WAVES


Hi, guys! I just posted the 20th chapter of The Book Of Power! 20 chapter! wow. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy it and vote on it, and share it with your friends! I am back from vacay and am going to be updating WAY more often now. Await more fun chapters in the future from both Book Of Power and Akamu and the Waves.