
Hey everyone, it's been an incredibly long time but I finally finished "What Now?" It was a story I started when I was 13 and now I'm already 19 (procrastination skills incredible). Thank you to everyone who made my time on Wattpad so enjoyable and an early Happy new year <3


Hey guys, I know I'm really annoying coz I never update but I'm in a competition with my friends and I need as many likes as possible so can u plz like this video on youtube??? Thanks so much and I WILL update soon (hopefully this month).


@SereneTLW bahahaha I didn't update n now I hv yearlies, sorryyyyy
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Hey guys, everybody reading this, please HELP MEEEEE, if you can... So I got a laptop and won't be having my iPad in places like the bus and wanted to know if I could read wattpad books offline on the laptop. Someone please reply :'(


@SereneTLW You're welcome! And don't worry, you'll get through it :))) and if I come across anything that can help I'll def let you know
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@Marvel_Grl *waves back, then starts crying* NUUUUUU :'( I'm gonna die! hehe thanks for replying! :p
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@SereneTLW  Hi!! *waves* Sorry for such a late reply! But I don't think you can read wattpad books offline on a computer browser, unfortunately. I'll let you know if I find out a way to! Sorry I couldn't respond earlier
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