
Guys I'm so sorry I didn't update for the past days, my school life just got worst and I'm struggling making my assignment along with writing the next chapter so please bare with me
          	I'll update as soon as I can


Heyooo~ I don't know how you found me but Thank you so much for your votes!! ♡(> ਊ <)♡ I was shock and really happy when I saw my notifications!! ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ.TENCHUUU SO MUCH AND I HOPE YO CONTINUE SEEING YOUR SUPPORT!!!  ლ(^o^ლ)


@_Levanta_Asimi_ Ouh! Your welcome and i just really bored and search a haikyuuXdemonslayer so i found your book its really cool so keep up the good work author-chan.      \(● ♡ ●)/