
Going offline for a solid amount of time, don’t ask why and idk when I’m gonna be back.


@Sellanikon 703 days, still curious about whats gonna happen next in the Angels of Death story, if you forgot that's ok not blaming you but...still wondering when your gonna update...not trying to be rude though, type back when ya can mate


@Sellanikon ok I won’t. Wel’ll wait until your back! :)


Hi, I’m going to be publishing my first book on Wattpad soon and would really love and appreciate your support and opinions on it as I am quite nervous. It will have a couple updates a week. Thank you for reading this message and for maybe having a look at my book <3


Hey, don’t want to upset or stress you but would you mind updating the angels of death story it’s been a while since your last update and we’re all curious, how it’s going to continueso yeah just wanted to ask.❤️