
Hi everyone! So, I've been getting a lot of comments and direct messages asking for an update, or wondering when I'm next going to update. I would like everyone to know that I'm currently in the middle of my GCSE's (exams), and that I probably won't be updating for another 2-3 weeks. I'm sorry for everyone enjoying the story and where it is right now, but my school life takes a priority. Thank you to everyone reading and supporting my story, and stay tuned for more of BBD!


Hi everyone! So, I've been getting a lot of comments and direct messages asking for an update, or wondering when I'm next going to update. I would like everyone to know that I'm currently in the middle of my GCSE's (exams), and that I probably won't be updating for another 2-3 weeks. I'm sorry for everyone enjoying the story and where it is right now, but my school life takes a priority. Thank you to everyone reading and supporting my story, and stay tuned for more of BBD!


I made my own version of BBD, I hope you read it :) I mentioned your name at the end and I told everyone that it was inspired by you. I hope you don't mind that I made my own version. Salaam :)


Aw thank you so much - I don't mind at all! I'll 100% be sure to check it out, I'm sure it'll be amazing! Walaikum Salaam <3