
Advance Happy Birthday Kio!!! @Sweet_lily_Kristina❤❤❤


@Sweet_lily_Kristina You are welcome love~ ❤


Advance Happy Birthday Kio!!! @Sweet_lily_Kristina❤❤❤


@Sweet_lily_Kristina You are welcome love~ ❤


Hello there @Selena_Atsxo I don't think you remember me but I am the author of "Falling in love (AllSanzu)" you might be upset for deleting this book, I am replying to you this because I've been seeing your comments and I think this is a great choice to remake it. So, I have been wondering if you would do the honor to be the first reader of the future remake and another book about Sanzu


Hello again, @Selena_Atxso, my book about Sanzu is finally published


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Selen i have the results now. I have bad news and a good news. Yes i didn't have a heart disease and hypertension but i have low blood and mental disorders are Major depressive disorder and Dissociative identity disorder. I just knew today that i have a social anxiety. My mom told me not to over think so much. And she just drag me out of my room and told me to socialize with peoples so my mental issues don't get worse. I told you Selen that im recently passing out and im tired also the reason is Dehydration so yeah. Shit


Selen i just finished my exam im so happy BUT i still have one next week so try for supporting me selen i luv u


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Selen i got shit tons of exams im grounded the only thing i will do for the whole month is do module like omg i dont even think im gonna pass this quarter wish me luck selen i have no one im stuck in this room and im super bored your my only friend that i can talk right now. Support me 


@Sweet_lily_Kristina im going to be grade 9 soon ty wish you luck aswell