
Now that the third book, Sangriala, is out there also, the entire Time of the Titans trilogy is available as paperbacks and for Kindle, so you can consider it for Christmas! 


Hey, thank you so much for adding my book to your reading list. I wrote it long time back so won't promise that it's the best you'll read, but I hope you'll enjoy. Xx❤


@Abeeha_32 Hey! It was your other book that was recommended by someone I follow, but this older book's description seemed interesting, so I thought I'd start with it.


Thank you so much for adding 'Noctiphany' to ur reading list :))


@SecuazCricket Oh yes, that girl is a true angel T_T. It's totally okay. Thank you so much for it. :))


@Birdsongfuzz You're welcome. I wanted to save it after I saw an overwhelming praise for it by MidnightKoala. It might take some more days before I start reading it since I have a lot on my reading list, but it's there now so I don't lose it.


Dear readers, now also "Elysium" is available as a paperback in Amazon. You can still read the slightly older version of it in Wattpad for free, but anyone wishing to add it to their physical bookshelf will find it here (or any other Amazon branch):


@SecuazCricket The whole trilogy packaged together, ready for their place on bookshelves! :)


@EpilogueFabric And now the third one, Sangriala, is out, too!


Those who have been reading The Time of the Titans, I have some news. It is now available as a paperback at Amazon:
          For a favour of those of you who have been reading and commenting it here in Wattpad, thereby improving the quality of the edition I published at Amazon, I am keeping the Wattpad version available here for free (at least for now, unless any complication emerges). But those who want a paper copy in their bookshelf can now obtain it from Amazon! It looks quite handsome, I'm proud of the nice editing.


@SecuazCricket I'm sure that it looks just as great as the cover does!


@EpilogueFabric Thank you! I also like the layout inside the book. 


@SecuazCricket Ahhhh :D 
            Congrats on getting your novel published! The cover does look pretty nifty. I especially like the bold, yet grounded font you've picked out.


Hello! Anyone who would like to make some money as an editor / proofreader for my novel "The Time of the Titans" for a printed version, I'm all ears. Must be native (or native-level) user of English. If you know someone, let me know in a private message.


I am still waiting to get internet installed at my home, and therefore cannot yet continue reading and commenting the books in my Wattpad reading list. I expect to get back to doing that at some point next week. This is just to let you know I haven't abandoned your manuscript.


The last chapter of the third book of the Time of the Titans saga, "Sangriala", has been added! The book is finished, and by that, the entire trilogy is finished.
          The final chapter is named "Man and His Island", and you might guess what happens there. Though you probably won't guess everything.
          With this, I send a warm greeting to those who followed the saga to its end. And I will next be concentrating in something else. Perhaps, the detective stories that I neglected for so long for this trilogy.