
I want a holidayyyyyyy. Just two days a week please. Ahaaaaaa. 
          	Been a medical student sucks. I dunno who assumed doctors don't need holidays. I have to work all seven days this week including Saturday 
          	How can I write my story when I don't have free time? 


@user83879659 oops. But then I sometimes write while I have exams, so I can't talk


I want a holidayyyyyyy. Just two days a week please. Ahaaaaaa. 
          Been a medical student sucks. I dunno who assumed doctors don't need holidays. I have to work all seven days this week including Saturday 
          How can I write my story when I don't have free time? 


@user83879659 oops. But then I sometimes write while I have exams, so I can't talk


I don't Belong to You - Chapter 38, Sneak peek and Coming soon video available on Instagram. Like and follow @biblesbabygirl



@Secret_fae oh when I have time again I suppose. Even my Jay loves this more but with all the angst and suspension going on with IDBTY Iam stuck on that for now


@Secret_fae are you going to finish (i fear my king) story I really love that one story please finish it 


I don't Belong to You- Chapter 37 sneak peek and coming soon video available on Instagram. Like and follow at biblesbabygirl



So in this sad time, I would like to leave a message here. I will update a new chapter probably by the end of this week. I am still working on it, it's already over 7000 words. But I want to make some progress in this chapter, and so far lam satisfied that it's happening. But I need time to complete it. Writing is not something I like much, so it takes me time to do it. Especially since my head is too full of other things, so half the time it takes too long to remember whats the story is about and then to get into writing mood.
          On final note, I hope you all are okay and I wish you all well. And thankyou everyone who left me kind messages. I read them all, even though I couldn't reply to most of them, they gave me comfort!!
          And finally a thankyou to my Dad, who had been with me during the hardest times in my life and always believed in me, and helped to life the weight on my shoulders. I hope everyone of you have someone you can talk to in the worst times.
          See you probably in this weekend with a new update. Luv ya 
          I know Biblebuild and Vegaspete are different. But for me, I will always love them and they are eternal!
          BBB & VP 4ever 


@Secret_fae thank you for your anouncement. i am looking forward to your next chapter.


@Secret_fae thank you for everything you've done so far I hope you're doing better now and always take your time.  I'm sure we'll survive waiting a little longer, heh.  Just make sure you're taking care of yourself.


Where is I don’t belong to you I waited the update since month


@Secret_fae I am sorry that you feel bad. I hope things will Go better soon


@user83879659 maybe iam overreacting. But it really hurts dude. When it happens in worst times


@user83879659 wow! Thanks for making me regret even posting the other fic. ( rolling my eyes to high heavens) Here's a little secret, I was having the worst time in my life and I saw ur previous comment, "next update", like I am a waiter and u are ordering the next dish. Hello, nobody is paying me to do this dude, and with the worst kind of timing, I was in a critical time and it was disgusting, i wanted to stop writing entirely if this is the kind of people who read it. Did nobody teach u any manners? Where's the please and thankyou mister?


Can someone tell me whether the chapter order in "I fear my King" is correct for you guys? I think it got some what haphazard when I had to add the pictures again. But it shows me correctly. So I wonder if it's correct for you guys too


Hey fae , long time no see ! ❤️


@Katha0422 yeah I checked with some other profiles and realised that too. Then I googled and find out that it might take around 48 hours for it to show in my profile . So i guess I will check then