
Hi, I know I said it'd be the last update for a while, but that was obviously a lie. I've been trying to write diverse character with different backgrounds and as I've been going back and reading my previous works and planning future works, I realized that I might need some sensitivity readers who are basically people from marginalized groups about the people that I'm writing about and they can give me advice on how to correctly write these characters. So if you'd like to help me out and be a sensitivity reader for me that'd me amazing. email me at if you're interested at all or you just want to talk to me about something else, either is fine. Okay, this is the last update, I promise.


Are u going to continue the story The Philocalist  up to season 6   And the directors are planning on doing a season 7 of The Rookie will it be ok if I let u know when season 7 comes out


@CailynnHock I don't want to spoil too much but I will say it'll be before season 5


Will be in season 5 bcs that's when Tim and Lucy get together


Hi, are the lil training officer chapters in order? The new chapters/most recent three are very confusing at the moment 


@chimchim_got_no_jams Hi, I scheduled them to release all at once so the order could be confusing but it should be Flesh and Blood then Redwood then Heartbreak, let me know if it's still showing up weird and I can try to unpublish them and then publish them again in the correct order, I'm so sorry this happened.


Hey, I just wanted to say that I love your books ♥️♥️♥️especially the youngest Bradford♥️♥️I can't wait to read more chapters and books in the future ♥️♥️♥️I hope one day you can make an Angela Lopez x oc book♥️♥️because your writing skills are amazing ♥️♥️♥️


@ScarlettSinger yes please an Angela x oc would be amazing❤️I would really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️


@riyababulal I'm so glad you like them, I'm planning on an Angela x Wesley x OC book but once I wrap up some of my other stories like Altruism and Dusk til' Dawn, I'd love to write an Angela x OC book if you'd want one.


Hi, I know I said it'd be the last update for a while, but that was obviously a lie. I've been trying to write diverse character with different backgrounds and as I've been going back and reading my previous works and planning future works, I realized that I might need some sensitivity readers who are basically people from marginalized groups about the people that I'm writing about and they can give me advice on how to correctly write these characters. So if you'd like to help me out and be a sensitivity reader for me that'd me amazing. email me at if you're interested at all or you just want to talk to me about something else, either is fine. Okay, this is the last update, I promise.


Okay, I promise this will be the last update for a while because once next week is over, I will be updating regularly. On Saturday, 3 new parts for Lil' Training Officer and 3 new parts Philocalist will be released, for specific times I've scheduled it to release at midnight on Saturday central time in America (apologies to my readers abroad). Now, for July, my goal is to get to Philocalist Volume Four and to be at least halfway through, finish Altruism, get Lil' Training Officer through to at least season three but I'd really like to move it to be in time with Philocalist. I want to get at least halfway through The Youngest Bradford (which will be around forty or so parts). Also, funny story, Dusk til' Dawn was not supposed to be released, I scheduled it and then decided to release Youngest Bradford but never actually unscheduled Dusk til' Dawn, but I will be updating Dusk til' Dawn and since it'll be a short story, I want it finished. Also, I've been having ideas for a Angela x OC x Wesley story and if there is interest, I'll start working on that as well. There will be a whole lotta updates in July because not much is going on at work (my boss is taking a month long vacation and has cancelled most things so it'll just be paperwork for some projects) so just a heads up on that. Okay, so that all starts next Sunday, have an amazing week and also I'm almost at 300 followers and thank you so much for that.


@ScarlettSinger your an amazing writer and I can't wait for you to update your books! I would love for you to write the Angela x oc x Wesley story!


@ScarlettSinger can't wait to see all the hard work you have put into your stories! always look forward to the updates when I see them come up.


Hi, guys, just an update on everything. That short story I mentioned in Clean Cut for Philocalist won't be released on June 5th, I'm struggling with motivation for it and there's been a lot of requests for the Angela x Harper x oc story so instead I will release the first five chapters of that on June 5th. Altruism is on hiatus until July 1st unfortunately, Philocalist might get a few more sporadic updates before July but not many and the same applies for The Lil' Training Officer. One last thing, since I don't have any socials at the moment and Wattpad got rid of direct messaging, please feel free to email me at


@ScarlettSinger  just want to say do far enjoying all the content that you have made so far. always excited when I see an update!


Hey I love your fanfics xx Especially your Rookie fics xx I'm literally loving The Lil' Training Officer, literally love Brooke and Tim xx Do you have any other socials, as Wattpad has removed the messaging feature?xxx ♡♡


@ScarlettSinger cool, thank you - if that's okay, obviously xx ♡♡


@HannahEV12 I don't have any other socials at the moment, I do have a gmail if you want to reach me that way


Hi everyone, my life has been very hectic and it will be pretty hectic in the future unfortunately. I'm going to update as much as I can but I won't be able to release daily updates again until July. So to make up for the lack of updates, I'll be releasing three new stories on July 4th. Two will be short five part stories one of which has been requested and the third will be a twenty part story that has also been requested. I hope to finish Altruism off by mid July and focus on some of the requests I've been getting. Philocalist will continue and Volume Two and the first two chapters will be released this Friday. Also, Philocalist will be a slow burn just like Altruism but the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons will follow more of the episodes unlike what I did with Altruism. Thank you so much for all the support I've received for my writing and I'm sorry that I won't be able to update very much over the next two months. Have an amazing day!