
Sorry for not updating any ongoing stories lately, life and uni have been absolutely crazy let alone work. Hope you all understand and i’ll be back to updates soon xx


Hey y’all just curious i’m writing a selection x fairy tail book with a bit more of a twist,just the idea of the selection and more of fairy tail it’s gonna be a nalu story slow burn with smut so tell me if y’all wanna read that cause i’m getting back into writing


Can you do Happy x Carla please that’s if you want to


Ah sorry for taking so long myself to respond i’ve been working all weekend and doing some exams,of course i’m happy to write anything people request.I’ll probably make a short story of them,slightly out of character or something similar 


Sorry for taking so long to respond I was in school


Yes please but I’m alright if you don’t do it 



Hey guys I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to post lately but as you guys know I live in Australia and unfortunately I’ve been affected by Bush fires.
          I live at port Macquarie for anyone curious,we had some bad fires and my house was one of the ones to burn down.Ive lost most my stuff and my family and I barely had time to get out of there.Spot fires just came up in seconds and unfortunately my house was affected.
          I’m safe now and so is my family,but for the next year or so I may be not so active.It was really hard for us and I hope you all understand.I wish the best to anyone else affected by Bush fires.
          -thanks Savannah