
Gonna be painfully honest here and say that i kinda hate being conformed to only write mainly 3dg/ag stuff. Tbh I wanna write destiel, i wanna write gattaca stuff, i wanna write frerard, i wanna write the starset story i have rotting in my drafts. Hell, i wanna do so much more than just sit here and practice with these two fandoms. Im sick of it honestly. The only reason i keep coming back is because of the fear that nobody will read anything different.


Gonna be painfully honest here and say that i kinda hate being conformed to only write mainly 3dg/ag stuff. Tbh I wanna write destiel, i wanna write gattaca stuff, i wanna write frerard, i wanna write the starset story i have rotting in my drafts. Hell, i wanna do so much more than just sit here and practice with these two fandoms. Im sick of it honestly. The only reason i keep coming back is because of the fear that nobody will read anything different.


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Ay guys I just met Memphis May Fire. Okayokay so I was in town for a Judah and the Lion show right? And like I'm driving past and I see these guys who look rock af with suits on n' shit so I go and check it out. Turns out it's freaking Memphis May Fire and bc I was already headed to a concert, I've got sharpies and a pick guard for em to sign. Best day.