
Hi, wow.. I'm so sorry for the radio silence... Erm, my situation is still very rocky, and I'm trying to get myself sorted somehow, but it's not going well tbh.
          	So, I've been trying to work on Scarred Beauty while I could, but I'm barley getting anything written. I have a few chapters prewritten, and with my current situation, it may end up being a case of making sure those chapters are decent enough, getting those published for you all, and then marking the book as complete or on hiatus until further notice. Instead of leaving you all hanging in the air like I have unintentionally done 
          	Again, I apologise so much for leaving you like this, I never intended to, things have just been extremely hectic and hard with my current t situation 


@SatanTookMyStyle don't worry at all! Make sure to get yourself stable and safe first 


Hi, wow.. I'm so sorry for the radio silence... Erm, my situation is still very rocky, and I'm trying to get myself sorted somehow, but it's not going well tbh.
          So, I've been trying to work on Scarred Beauty while I could, but I'm barley getting anything written. I have a few chapters prewritten, and with my current situation, it may end up being a case of making sure those chapters are decent enough, getting those published for you all, and then marking the book as complete or on hiatus until further notice. Instead of leaving you all hanging in the air like I have unintentionally done 
          Again, I apologise so much for leaving you like this, I never intended to, things have just been extremely hectic and hard with my current t situation 


@SatanTookMyStyle don't worry at all! Make sure to get yourself stable and safe first 


Bit of an update on my situation: I'm safe, I'm currently sofa surfing, but I have my PC set up at a friends. In between sorting out my life, working and other stuff I'll try and get some new chapters written and updated for you all. Again, I am so sorry for the massive lack of updates, it's been a bit of a terrible time recently. 
          Thank you all for the continued support despite this, I appreciate every single one of you! <3 I will be back, hopefully sooner rather than later! 
          Love to you all!


so happy you’re okay!! don’t feel rushed to update or anything like that, we just want you to be okay <3


Hey guys, I'm really sorry I've not updated my work for a while.
          Unfortunately, my relationship of 10 years has come to a close in the past couple of days, though I've had a feeling it was going to happen for a bit longer, and I'm currently in the process of trying to make sure I'm not homeless and my animals have somewhere to go. I'll be back when I can be, but I don't know when that will be 


Please take care of yourself! Only come back when you have somewhere to stay and feel like it, dont push yourself!


@ SatanTookMyStyle  oh, I'm so sorry you're going through a similar moment in your life. no matter how soon the update comes out, the important thing is that you are ok. take care of yourself 


Hi thanks for the cookie and for the follow! ^^ What do I owe it to?


@ Love_Aizawa  Awwww, thank you!


@Love_Aizawa Nothing  I followed you because you followed me, and the cookie is for being able to read my rambling 


Thanks for the cookie 


@Ash_is_horny420 Apparently it's just not showing replies for me then lmao. A nap might be in order :')


@SatanTookMyStyle you did already reply. I'm also sleep deprived so I understand your confusion.


@Ash_is_horny420 I could have sworn I already replied to this but maybe I imagined I had in my sleep deprived state :') You're welcome <33