
Hello everyone!!! 
          	I finally got the wattpad app!!!!! Yayyy!!!! That means that I'm on more frequently now. A few things I wanted to let you guys know:
          	1) the last chapter of hating Ariel is a snapshot of one of the characters in 'Stranded'.
          	2) Stranded is a new book that I've written for my friend and it's based off something that I saw the other day. It's basically about a bunch of teenagers who are stuck on an island and they have to learn to survive and all that. Read more on the book to find out.
          	3) I've put My Sister Ella on hold so no updates at the moment.
          	4) Hating Ariel is completed!!! Thanks to everyone for reading... 9K reads is more than I expected so thank you all so much. It may not seem much to some of you but for me it's just amazing. I can't thank you enough.
          	I'm looking for more books to read on Wattpad so if you want me to read one of your books, just private message me or pop the title in the comment boxes below and I'll read it. 
          	Peace out ✌️✌
          	Sasha :)


Hello everyone!!! 
          I finally got the wattpad app!!!!! Yayyy!!!! That means that I'm on more frequently now. A few things I wanted to let you guys know:
          1) the last chapter of hating Ariel is a snapshot of one of the characters in 'Stranded'.
          2) Stranded is a new book that I've written for my friend and it's based off something that I saw the other day. It's basically about a bunch of teenagers who are stuck on an island and they have to learn to survive and all that. Read more on the book to find out.
          3) I've put My Sister Ella on hold so no updates at the moment.
          4) Hating Ariel is completed!!! Thanks to everyone for reading... 9K reads is more than I expected so thank you all so much. It may not seem much to some of you but for me it's just amazing. I can't thank you enough.
          I'm looking for more books to read on Wattpad so if you want me to read one of your books, just private message me or pop the title in the comment boxes below and I'll read it. 
          Peace out ✌️✌
          Sasha :)


Hi guys, I'm back on Wattpad. I'm going to try and update. A lot of things had changed, so I'm gonna try to adapt to those changes. I also had trouble logging in for some reason.  Anyway for those who are reading my books thanks heaps. Hating Ariel reached 9K readers!!


Hi guys, here's the dealio. I want to start a story from future story ideas but I don't know which one. So.... I'll give until MSE  finishes. Go onto Future Ideas and vote on  a book you want me to write about. The book with the most votes will be continued. I got some exciting plot lines planned


Hi peeps! I'm back on. Well, not for a long time. I'm waiting  for all the results of tests to come out. Plus, I have more tests this year.  This sucks. I'll try to update all the books especially My sister Ella because I left it off on a cliffhanger. I'll make sure I finish MSE before going off again. I'm reading an amazing book called 'Love or Whatever' by @HeatherRoberts. Also an actual book (one that doesn't require a phone), The Gathering Dark. I read it for 8 hours nonstop. It's amazing. Remember to read, add, comment and vote. The comments don't have to be comments. It can also be something that was  errored in the book or a way to make the story better. 
          Thank y'all, Sasha


Hey, I know I haven't been on here recently, and you have every right to blame me for ,my not so frequent updates. I have dance competitions, school camp and so many homework now that the holidays are over. I apologise if I'm not on here anymore, but I will try very hard to update. 
          And look, if it gets up to the point where I have to leave Wattpad, I promise you'll find out  why and I will  notify you when it comes to that point.  I also promise that you will find out what happens to Emma and David in My sister, Ella. 
          For the moment, I'll try to be on here as often as possible. I have siblings to help, (going to/through big events in their life) and work to do.
          Thanks for hanging in there. Those who didn't delete this message before reading it, I love you all. Reply to this post to see how many people that is. :) Just something I want to try.