
Okay guys I know I've been inactive for awhile and I feel like I have the same excuse but I'm really busy with band and honestly I've lost my motivation to write fanfics. I don't know if I'll still work on them or I don't know if I will finish them, but as right now, I'm putting them on hiatus. I kind of want to work on other stories and really I want my stories to be good and I feel like if I continue my ffs then they won't be as good as they were. So I may finish them I may not. But I will try on write other stories. Also, btw, my story: This One Time at Band Camp, I might change to a different story with different plots and stuff like that. Sorry guys. I just want you to have good stuff to read and I want to enjoy writing them. I'm so sorry. 


Okay guys I know I've been inactive for awhile and I feel like I have the same excuse but I'm really busy with band and honestly I've lost my motivation to write fanfics. I don't know if I'll still work on them or I don't know if I will finish them, but as right now, I'm putting them on hiatus. I kind of want to work on other stories and really I want my stories to be good and I feel like if I continue my ffs then they won't be as good as they were. So I may finish them I may not. But I will try on write other stories. Also, btw, my story: This One Time at Band Camp, I might change to a different story with different plots and stuff like that. Sorry guys. I just want you to have good stuff to read and I want to enjoy writing them. I'm so sorry. 


hey guys. um I'm sorry i haven't been updating a lot. im really sorry to say this but im not longer into the cube. don't worry. i will finish my other fan fictions but im going to stop writing cube fan fiction after that. i want to focus on stories that might happen in the real world and not based on a certain person. i want the world to be fiction but not fan fiction. I'm sorry guys. but I will finish those other fics for you guys since I know you guys want them.


@SarahWoods5 are u still a fan I'm just wondering 


Okay. I just got hacked on Twitter. So let's just say I won't be using it anymore or I might be getting a new account. But if you follow me on Twitter and still want to keep up with me, the best way is through tumblr. I'm kinda always on there and if you want to talk about something, it is most likely I will respond to you than through Twitter. So...yeah.


Hi! just wanted to say that all your work is fabuloussssss! I only have internet access for about an hour a day, and I spend that hour on my tablet, adding stories to my library. xD If I had internet access all the time, I would be faving all ur chapters and commenting and all that jazz! Anyways, thank you so much for being such an awesome author, keep it up! :D P.S. Here is my support:
          SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT...*keeps going for 10000000000 years* :3 <3 P.P.S. <-- dats  funny rite dare! P.P.P.S. Just realized how much I typed..... .-.