
When people love your FNAF story more then your own original ideas, and it's pretty much the reason why I stopped using this site:
          	Sara: Okay, that's fine-


You know what would be nice for everyone?
          Everyone not putting up with me.
          I wish I can just have an island alone to myself.
          No more yelling.
          No more pain.
          No more emptiness.
          No more nothing.
          Just me alone in an island.
          And yet, I'd always wonder how everyone else has been doing without me in their life.
          They're probably gonna be happy if I was out of their life.
          No more words hurting me.
          No more harm.
          No more violence.
          No more threatening.
          Just me, all alone in an island.


this message may be offensive
After seeing the insane amout of dislikes, and the hate comments on the #proudtobe video on Youtube. I am legit fucking crying right now, and I am so angry that there is people, who don’t accept people for who they are.
          I’m a Trans-Boy myself, and I’m Bisexual, and it fucking hurts me, seeing that there’s people who hate people just because of their sexualities, and gender identities.
          If there’s hateful people seeing this post. Go ahead, and try to hurt me. Say shit to me, say that I’m not worth it. Go ahead.
          But, it’s not gonna stop me from being who I am.
          I've wore the dresses.
          I've wore the make-up.
          I've wore the princess stuff.
          But, this is who I really am now.
          I am a Boy.
          I’m Bisexual.
          And I am goddamn proud to be who I really am.
          And to everyone else: Don't let people stop you from being who you are. You're yourself, and no one can stop you.
          I love you all <3