
And alas, when I am being serious about analyzing The Lizzie Bennet Dairies, an adaptation to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, I cannot stop laughing during each video blog... To be continued.


How is everyone holding up during this crazy epidemic? I am currently recovering from Tonsillitis, so I have not been online a lot. For my area they are switching all face to face classes to online at my community college. Unfortunately, by how much cases are rising by this outbreak, I am concern that the Governor and CDC are only extending lockdown for two weeks and not closing any of our restaurants and bars. Other than reading and finding inspiration, I have been going back and playing Vampire.


Anyone else excited for Death Stranding that comes out the eighth of November? I have been fallowing it since the first trailer and found it pretty interesting. I also found the whole connection concept fascinating between life and death, but that may change once I get into the universe itself. 
          On a side note, The Walking Dead finally starts at around 7 pm my time, so I am looking forward to it.


What writer inspired you to start writing? Stephen King know how to get into your mind as a reader. The first book I read by him would be Rose Madder and I would have to say... It really got into my mind psychologically, but all in all it was a good read. 
          meanwhile my adopted Highwaymen cat, Shade McGregor, notorious as he is, is quite the conversationalist.


So, I am aware I have not uploading practically anything, but I plan too. A lot has been going on regarding family and seeing a Psychologist for the last two years to help me work through my PTSD and alcohol addiction. Also, I have been reconstructing the Stefano and OC fanfic while doing research for it. Additionally, I will be uploading something else along with that. I hope everyone has a good day .


At last! I am free of college classes(at least until August 26th of 2019).  As for feature writings, I will be posting some in the coming week or so. *sigh* after working non-stop, studying for my classes, and taking care of health problems with myself and my family, I am itching to get back into writing. 
          Anyways, I hope everyone has a good/ happy summer.


So, I will be starting my college classes in about three weeks. Regarding The Photographer and His Masterpiece, uploads will depend as well as re-uploads of each chapter around my studies and work. 
          So far, I plan to upload at least a chapter or two every two weeks, but this might be subject to change.