
Hiya everyone, I know, I know, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything and I’m sorry guys. I want to try to get back to a schedule and start doing more writing again but I’m lacking motivation and inspiration soooooo bare with me please. I may take down a few books too and do some rewriting and editing cause looking back on them I just think “wtf was I thinking” XD so yeah bare with me while I try to figure stuffs out. Okie that’s all, bye guys. 


@Xx_Intrusive_Thxt_xX ......... a lot is um— a lots going on.... my mum is mad at a F in PE which isn’t even f a i r so she took EVERYTHING away. I can’t listen to music, go on YouTube, watch TV, play Xbox, can’t be on the phone, I can’t even text my friends... it’s like a forced isolation. She says if she doesn’t see improvement in one week then she’s pulling me out of the school which there is t anything I can do cause I only get one grade a week for PE so.... I’m overwhelmed and scared... I’m probably gonna fail 10th grade and I’ll probably have to redo it and I can’t keep up this fake act anymore


Hey Aaron, It's me. 
          I know that sometimes you might not feel your absolute best, or you feel like you are "overlooked and ignored" (your words) , but I just want you to know that you are loved, very important, and one of the best things to ever happen to me. 
          I love you.
          Remember that 


@Xx_Fast_Boi_xX I j u s t saw this— I wuv you too. 


Hiya everyone, I know, I know, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything and I’m sorry guys. I want to try to get back to a schedule and start doing more writing again but I’m lacking motivation and inspiration soooooo bare with me please. I may take down a few books too and do some rewriting and editing cause looking back on them I just think “wtf was I thinking” XD so yeah bare with me while I try to figure stuffs out. Okie that’s all, bye guys.