
Mothers day coming up. Be busy visiting my mother and spending time with her. So chapter 1 won't be out for a while yet


Finally back home. Will start writing chapter 1 tomorrow.


gotten sick again. Hate winter so much.  be back once I'm well.


@WinterCerelia hope you feel better as well. It snowed late in my state and the temperature drop so fast. It why I hate winter so much. My body keeps getting sick cuz of the weather. During the summer I barely get sick except when the weather changes. But during winter, ugh. Hope you enjoy my stories and will finish tough journal as soon I get better. It nearly done as both tough and peace journals are short side stories


@Sandywolf88 you hate me :0 /j also this is the third year I've been sick on valentines day help- lol, hope you feel better soon!


Right now plotting the next warriors story. Going to reread tallstar revenge first. To get tallstar personality down. As well as the others. Also planning on writing the thieves guild part of my Skyrim story. Sorry that I been gone so long.  Taking a break since been busy with work and personal matters.