I am a major Dramione fanatic. I love every thing to do with them, My name is Sammii and I am slytherin just like my beloved Draco Malfoy. Ron and Hermione just never fit right to me, I always imagined her with Draco anyways, just like Harry and Ginny never looked right to me either. ginny is an idiot who should never have ended up with him. I think that Harry and Cho would have made a much better match.
My wand is a Hawthorne with powdered unicorn horn in the center, 11 inches and is unyielding,

As soon as I get all of the planning done I will begin my very own Dramione story with a little bit of a twist that I hope you all haven't read before. it is something that I haven't come across so it just may be all new which I am really hoping for
Thanks for everything,

  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
  • JoinedDecember 14, 2014
