
Could anyone of you guys tell me how to delete your own wattpad account because I'm having trouble doing it?


@Samanthashimmer I'm not sure about deleting it but you can deactivate the account or just log out


@Samanthashimmer Why would you want to delete your Wattpad account?


Could anyone of you guys tell me how to delete your own wattpad account because I'm having trouble doing it?


@Samanthashimmer I'm not sure about deleting it but you can deactivate the account or just log out


@Samanthashimmer Why would you want to delete your Wattpad account?


This is the most dumbest and idiotic thing that have happened in the internet recently. 
          On Friday I don't if you guys were aware or keeping up with social media but, 
          A friend of my just informed me and anyone else told us that they are going to storm area 51 on September 20th of this year. 
          Like wtf, and yes I know the government is keeping secrets from us but they have a reason to keep it a secret if  the world's found out includes those terrorist and some countries that hate us will started WW3 to steal the military new weapons.
          And the top of it the only reason why they are going there to go see the alien. Like I don't blame them if their is extraterrestrial intelligence out there in our universes but this is suicidal.
          Not only that but , it would foreshadow the biggest and the most disaster event that America about to faces ever since 9/11 But, this would cost the lives of 300k idiots  that would get gun down by the military force through America second Darkest hour. 
          I just hope some of my friends from the West coast of United States and those who have wattpad need to listen. 
          DON'T GO THERE
          Please if this is about finding alien Darwinism is still real.
          And I might pray for those who are planning on going there may God bless you and R.I.P. for those 300k people intend on going there even if it is a meme joke or that.
          And I hope my boyfriend is not going there or I would slap the living daylights out of him


@Samanthashimmer Okay. People just wanna join in on the meme.


@XxFlame_HazexX yea I doubt beside there some people that live in the east coast from where I am at