
I know it's been a very long time, over a year I believe. I apologize for the wait but college has been rough guys. However I'm getting a 6 week break for the holidays and I'll be working on a new chapter as a Christmas gift so hang in there :)


Hello everyone, I'm SamIAm21, this is my previous account with my story and I recently decided after a very long time to try and continue my old story but I'm afraid I can't access this account since it's been so long and I forgot the password and even the email to reset the password so please follow me over on my new account and let me know if you're interested in me continuing this story


I know it's been a very long time, over a year I believe. I apologize for the wait but college has been rough guys. However I'm getting a 6 week break for the holidays and I'll be working on a new chapter as a Christmas gift so hang in there :)


I cannot wait for you to update your story! I'm most joyously hooked! And may I say, that your writing has improved greatly since the first chapter! Can't wait to read the next!


@SamIAm21 Everyone is their greatest and hardest critic. I know the feeling. I do it with my art work and writing. I finally decided to upload a short piece from a book I am writing ... actually I started it over a year ago and lost all my notes and outlines. I've been trying to find them so I can continue my writing, however, I may have to start all over. :( But at least I still remember the plot and how I want it to end. I just haven't decided if I should make it one book or a series of 3...


@CassandraLedbetter Lol yes you may, I'm absolutely horrified looking back at my first chapters, I may eventually have to go back to them and redo them.