
Hey everyone! I’ve missed all of you, and I’m getting back into writing again. Life has been… hectic to be honest. I’m now living on my own, and have my sister living with me. I adopted her, I’m a full time college student and now I’m working a full time job, but for a little while into the future I’m going to have some free time. I was thinking I’ll do some more writing and answering any questions you’ve been having. I’m fully recovered from my accident at this point now, I got my stitches out. I don’t think I had said anything about my accident prior to this but I was side swiped by a drunk driver, it was a hard recovery and is still hard mentally. Hopefully I can talk to some of you, thank you for being so patient it means the world to me.


          	  Hi! It sure has been a bit, but thank you so much it means so much to me that you think this


@Salty_Shimmers_  Things will get better, you are honestly such a strong person! ( from a quotev friend )


Hey everyone! I’ve missed all of you, and I’m getting back into writing again. Life has been… hectic to be honest. I’m now living on my own, and have my sister living with me. I adopted her, I’m a full time college student and now I’m working a full time job, but for a little while into the future I’m going to have some free time. I was thinking I’ll do some more writing and answering any questions you’ve been having. I’m fully recovered from my accident at this point now, I got my stitches out. I don’t think I had said anything about my accident prior to this but I was side swiped by a drunk driver, it was a hard recovery and is still hard mentally. Hopefully I can talk to some of you, thank you for being so patient it means the world to me.


            Hi! It sure has been a bit, but thank you so much it means so much to me that you think this


@Salty_Shimmers_  Things will get better, you are honestly such a strong person! ( from a quotev friend )


I'm gonna make a suprise for y'all but it I will only do it if you give me premission to post it (it's kinda(?) Public I think theres only small amount of people who will see it)


@your_official_waifu Yeah I doubt care go right ahead. My real life nickname is Jay, and ten my nickname on here is Salty. You could choose which ever one you think fits


Also give me your nickname


Hi guys! So i wanted to announce that i would love to help anyone who wants to create a story, I could help co-write, or even simply just be an editor. I love helping out of it, it really makes me feel special to anyone who asks for my help, like you have no idea how happy it makes me. Anyways enough of my rambling, If you guys want help with a story I am always here to help.


So just msg me, or ask for my discord and i will give it to you


So, unfortunately l have been feeling ill these past few days so I haven't been writing as much, I feel really bad about not working on my chapters but I can't make it out of my bed most of the time. Yesterday I was throwing up every hour, I do not have covid, l simply think its the flu, but still. SO I just wanted to let you guys, (my lovely salty simps) to know why I wont be posting a new chapter again for a while. Do not worry, it will not be another 2 or 3 month gap again, god. I felt sooo guilty, so I promise it wont be that long okay? Thank you for understanding! I love you all!!


Don't push yourself to much get some rest


Hope you get better soon and get check up if you have covid or not you might spread it to your neighborhood


@Salty_Shimmers_ Go to hospital or clinic 