
Hi there! Well, "You And Me Less Than Three (<3)" has been taken down from Wattpad since its being published tomorrow on Amazon Kindle. If you guys loved it here then I am sure you people will enjoy the new version of this story as well. Thank you for all the support :*:* Loads of love and hugs!
          	Do buy the kindle version if you feel so. I would be extremely overwhelmed. :D


Hi there! Well, "You And Me Less Than Three (<3)" has been taken down from Wattpad since its being published tomorrow on Amazon Kindle. If you guys loved it here then I am sure you people will enjoy the new version of this story as well. Thank you for all the support :*:* Loads of love and hugs!
          Do buy the kindle version if you feel so. I would be extremely overwhelmed. :D


Hi there,
          I enjoyed reading your profile and look forward to Wattpadding with you...
          Thanks for the follow,


@Fairytale_Fabler ...Thanks :) 
            I am always up for wattpadding with authors like you who write so creatively! 
            PS- I like your wattpad name ;)
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Hey Guys! It's been a while since I last posted anything. Well I am inspired to write again......coming up next is a book of short letters. This is all I can reveal as of now....Keep checking! :D


@SharonPereira very initially....sparks1395 but ever since I posted my first set of work...its Saloni only
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@Saloni_1395  Did you used to be called something else?
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Hey guys!
          My friend's band Maatiraaga's first song 'Dhuan Dhuan' has been nominated for Global Rockstar Music Awards. They are currently no.1 in national preliminaries. Please visit the link below and vote for them if you think they deserve it. You can vote through Facebook and Twitter both. Thank you :)