
The Admin whistled to themself, rocking back and forth a little in their heels. They looked to Southern Scotland and to Japan, smiling slightly. “I’ll just..” They then shoved Southern Scotland over, and ran off without another word. 
          Irene gasped as she was suddenly shoved over, ending up clashing with Japan without her notice. She now laid on top of him, though not much of her own choice rather than from being pushed. 
          “Ack.. damned Admin-“ She looked down at him, a rather large and noticeable blush spread across her cheeks. “J-Japan..! I-I am sorry!”


(I would like to request befriending you. Shall you accept? If not, I understand.) 
          The Scot gave a simple, yet warm smile to the Japanese man, wringing her hand together in a slightly nervous manner. "Tapadh leat fer followin' back, Japan," she mused, soon stopping her slight fidgeting and laying both hands to her sides, looking down upon Japan as her smile grew. "Irene Lomond Kirkland, representation of Scotland's southern portion."


(Hurray..! I am glad of that..!) 
            Her hand extended out, carefully grabbing his. As she gently shook his hand, her smile had seemed to grow slowly, painting its way over her porcelain pale features.


@Irene_and_Rowena //Of course I accept! ^^
            He nods slightly, "No problem, very nice to meet you." He responds, holding out his hand for her to shake. 


"Ah, hello Japan. " The brit smiled softly. 


@FallenEmpires- He nodded, "I... Guess that's good to hear. "


@FallenEmpires- "I'm..... Fine, mildly put. "