
          	May Allah bless us in this holy month of ramzan...
          	To all my beautiful sisters I know I didn't update for more than a year I'm sorry and I'm really really sorry.... in these particular years I got married and now I have an year old Daughter alhamdhulillah... my mind was clouded with busy fam life, a pregnancy now a baby. I know I should have informed u all but again I'm sorry. What else I can say I'm really sorry. The next chapter of my ongoing book is half done have to complete and post it will try my best to finish the book soon. Please bare the delay for me as of the new chapter I'll b updating it in a day or two. 
          	Lots of love ❤ ❤ 


Congrats sis ❤️


@Sajal_ameena wa alaikum salam wrwb. .. welcome back.. U just informed abt ur mrg long baby that too an year old daughter... Masha allah... Masha allah.. May we know ur daughter's name..? 


Wowww congratulations!!!!!!


Hello!. Sorry to post here without your permission.  But can you please give this story a chance if you have time? I am also prepared to accept any constructive criticism. Thank you.
          Have you ever thought that your childhood crush would be so intoxicating that never give a chance to like anybody else?  This is madness right? 
          This story is about Aliya and her eternal crush Tahmeed.


this message may be offensive
A vow mafia love could have been much better without the rape seen . To be honest I'm traumatized by it and from the comments of the people who enjoyed the book. I'm sorry if I've been rude but I cannot help but feel frustrated and agitated.  Rape is a very sensitive issue  , the fact that she ends up with her rapist and it's an happily ever after thing even for a fictional story is terrifying, please give trigger warnings in the very beginning.  Don't come attack me because I'll never support anyone who justifies rape and says it was a misunderstanding or a mistake like bro it's rape.  Give better trigger warning in the beginning itself. God .


this message may be offensive
@notyourzaira I wrote that comment right after reading that book , I was angry and disgusted back then.  It's your book and you have the complete freedom to write the way you like , all I can say is give  trigger warnings in the very beginning, please mention in the very beginning that the main character is going to rape the female and she ends up with him, mention that there's sexual asault and rape.  Trigger warnings are necessary.  This book became too much at times , the way her own father forced her to marry the rapist and then begged her to forgive him God. Ofc the victim  has the freedom to forgive and move on but this is truly unrealistic.  I wish people would just stop using rape as a content for their book, if they cannot handle what truly comes after it.  All you need to do is check a newspaper and then you'll know how gruesome it is . Fiction or not , making rape a content just for the dramatic twists was not okay.  It's your book , but please give trigger warnings in the beginning.  Not on that particular chapter but at the very beginning of the book, If you did, I wouldn't have choosed it to read 


@notyourzaira It is a work of FICTION and I repeat... it's a FICTION everything is imaginary... I'm not standing up for any kind of victimizations here. I always belive unless until u put urself in someone else shoes u cannot understand their pain... the male lead given all his fullest efforts to win back his love and he did got his love back. My view is even the victims should come out of the horrific incident and they have full freedom to choose what they want... they can punish them or forgive them it is that particular victim's choice. We cannot force them. In my book I prioritize love more than everything. That's it. I'm not supporting or promoting any illegal or inhumane stuffs here. A story is just a story good or bad. Thank you. 


Hey author 
          Siya here, just wanted to let you know that I am in love with your "A Vow Of Mafia Love" book, I couldn't get rid of it, it seems like I am in love with the book read it almost 100 times by now but I am still not over it l, yeah your book has made me insane and trust me I am in love with Arjun like really, he is such a fictional character that everyone love him and yeah the female character has my name and I really do love her and we do have kind of similarities but not exactly, I wish I can have Arjun all to myself, trust me I had never fallen in love with other fictional character as much as I am in love with Arjun, just wanted to let you know that your imagination, story writing everything are super fantastic and I am in love with this book, please never take it down 


@Authorsiya07 made my day... thanks for the comment. Glad u liked it. 