
Gonna actually post something soon. I've been busy thinking up some new things and maybe even rewrite or rework some oldies. I'll see how I feel about it. Nothing's going to be deleted, seeing as some things are still popular. 
          	Sorry for being away for so long, I've been trying to grow as a writer and I've felt like I was forcing my talent. 


Gonna actually post something soon. I've been busy thinking up some new things and maybe even rewrite or rework some oldies. I'll see how I feel about it. Nothing's going to be deleted, seeing as some things are still popular. 
          Sorry for being away for so long, I've been trying to grow as a writer and I've felt like I was forcing my talent. 


Nothing or nobody can really prepare you for the death of a good friend. It's terrifying and distressing and you just want to cry and run away. He truly was one of a kind, and I can't thank him enough for being my friend when I was down in the dumps. I truly wish that he is no longer suffering.
          Everyone, please remember to hold your friends and family dearly and be there for them. You may be frustrated or angry with them sometimes but you need to remember the love you have with them. Hold them tight and remind them that you really love them. Life is so quick and death is so unexpected. 


@SaiyanPrincess666  I'm so sorry for your loss! I know I have been kind of MIA recently, but you can always message me if you need to talk! <3


@bubblegum_btch it really is never easy. Thanks for being an awesome human ❤❤


@bubblegum_btch thank you. ❤ I'm still processing all of it. But I'm doing okay 