
Hello I just posted a short story I wrote. It's just something I wrote for creative fun. 
          	Our Little Monster
          	This is a a story that I hold close to my heart, I hope you all like it.


So I've been taking some real motivation on a quote I ran across. "When you have writers block besides wrighting what comes next look at the past and rewright it to have a future." 
          Be welcome to comment your motivation quote maybe it will help someone else.


SOO.. I'm still here i just was wondering if anyone has beend reading Assassin Red, if i get a buch of people asking for updates a I will happy give out the chapters I'm holging hostage. But untill them im going to sit idly by and write out some new ideas.. Also happy New Year 2019, also by Birthday was the 8th of Jan so whoop!


Hello everyone i have finilly started to finish Assassin Red re wright the finale. Just so you know I have changed it up. New view, new drama, and more real characters. If you read the first one then you will want to read the new verson for things just got real!