
I am paralyze by my future and crippled by my pass.
          	I am too far out at sea to be saved by  anyone. 
          	I am slowly drowning in so much sorrow but no one hears me.
          	 Why can't someone please save me. Anyone!! 
          	Who would miss me if I took a gun to my head or I over doses. No one
          	Trap to relive a tragic day on loop.


I am paralyze by my future and crippled by my pass.
          I am too far out at sea to be saved by  anyone. 
          I am slowly drowning in so much sorrow but no one hears me.
           Why can't someone please save me. Anyone!! 
          Who would miss me if I took a gun to my head or I over doses. No one
          Trap to relive a tragic day on loop.


this message may be offensive
I may not be  the best or a perfect writer but I try. I came up with the idea of writing a book called the broken boy on here only to  have someone steal it. That's just down right low and dirty.  Be your own person and write your own material and stop stealing mine you piece shit. 


@Safiaharvey I understand but the only things that is different are the characters. Its all my words... Just the characters different.  I am hella upset


@Safiaharvey they might have taken the idea. But only you can write your own unique narrative. Unless they stole your work and claimed it as their own. If the second is the case, contact Wattpad Ambassadors and fill out a report ticket. Plagiarizing an entire book is not okay. Stealing an idea, as low as it is, happens a lot. There are always going to be stories retold over and over. I encourage you to write your story and get your work out there. :) 


Hi. I have read a lot of book and thought I would try writing one of my own. My title may sound dull but you can't judge a book by it's cover..
          I post new chapter everyday. Try reading it you might actually like it.
          Read, comment, fellow and vote. 
          P.S I fellow back.