
this message may be offensive
hi so um I'm alive. I know I've been inactive for months but it's for good reason. But I don't want to get into that right now. I've been planning something special and ii really want my readers' help. I know there aren't very many people who read my stories but to the few who do I really appreciate you taking the time out of your probably very busy reading schedule to read my stories. Anyways this is probably very boring so I'm just going to get to the point. I really want to make something for you guys to enjoy and I think the best way for us as people to better ourselves is to be able to admit that we made a mistake or even that there is room for improvement in us. so I would like anyone who is willing to help to really criticize the shit out of my stories whether it be here on my wall thingy or in the comments of my books. I don't care how harsh it is just judge it.


this message may be offensive
hi so um I'm alive. I know I've been inactive for months but it's for good reason. But I don't want to get into that right now. I've been planning something special and ii really want my readers' help. I know there aren't very many people who read my stories but to the few who do I really appreciate you taking the time out of your probably very busy reading schedule to read my stories. Anyways this is probably very boring so I'm just going to get to the point. I really want to make something for you guys to enjoy and I think the best way for us as people to better ourselves is to be able to admit that we made a mistake or even that there is room for improvement in us. so I would like anyone who is willing to help to really criticize the shit out of my stories whether it be here on my wall thingy or in the comments of my books. I don't care how harsh it is just judge it.


          thanks for the follow. uwu
          I'm not really into selfpromo, but would you like to read my fanfic? 
          I‘ve been here since yesterday, and haven't really achieved much here, haha.
          So i‘d be very thankful. But if you dont want to, its okay ofc! 


@simpforweebs sure ill check it out today!