
Hey, you may remember me, I was your friend, and you probably hate me, i just wanted to say that I'm going and have gone through my hard times too, and in order to achieve peace i need to forgive and have forgiveness, you became a whole reason why i couldn't trust people, but i guess I made my own demon there. What i want to say is can we put behind what we both did, and maybe even be friends.... it doesn't matter if you don't want to forgive me, I'm just tired of being angry... you may have already forgotten me, but if you haven't please reply, i need to learn more about who i am, and i can't do that without finding out who i was... i hope you understand


Ohhh, didn't realise sorry :|


@galactichero98 I already replied to your private message saying yeah whatever


Just to make it clear, i would like to be friends again... if you want