
my new and last chapter is up
          	Love you guys


Hi guys!
          I am author's unnie. I am here to deliver her message from real life. She couldn't do it on her own because she is locked out. Here is a final word please spread the message to all.
          "Just that I really miss all my followers and I also  the ones that are following rn 
          And that I’m really thankful for everything and everyone for giving me and my books love 
          And that I’m sorry for suddenly disappearing 
          And I may never come back on wattpad again 
          But I still won’t forget anyone"
          Lastly angel expressed her sincere love for all of you guys. Wishing you best in lives ❤
          If anyone of her friend or acquaintances need to talk I am here always for a hug. Please dont unfollow and let's keep things in order. So that if ever she wanna come back in future things are in order. ❤
          She is having her exams right now. Please keep precious angel in your kind prayers ❤
          Thank you.
          Good day to all of you ❤


Halo kamu!
          Gimana kabarnya? Semoga kamu dalam keadaan yang baik yaa!
          Oh iya, aku punya cerita loh!
          Judulnya "Me and my illness ; Renjun"

          Cerita ini mengangkat kisah tentang seorang anak remaja SMA yang harus hidup dengan mental illness yang ia miliki.
          Ceritanya masih on going! Jadi jangan lupa buat mampir!
          Semoga kamu suka sama ceritaku yaa!
          With love,


Beautiful person Award♥️
          Once you get this award, you are supposed to paste it on the walls of other people who deserve it. If you break it then nothing will happen but it’s nice to know that someone thinks that you are beautiful inside and out❤️❤️❤️


(BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ) once you get this award you're supposed to paste It on the wall of  people who deserve It If you break the chain nothing wIll happen but rt's nIce to know that someone thinks you're beautiful Inside and out ❤️❤️


Okay so I tried to send all my readers and followers the Beautiful award♥️♥️♥️♥️
          Obviously that failed *sigh 
          So whoever didn’t get it....YOURE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
          And I LOVE YOU ALL♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Beautiful person Award}...
          Once you get this award you get this award you are suppose to paste it on the walls of other people who deserve it. If you break it then nothing will happen but it's nice to know that someone think that you are beautifull inside and outside ❤❤❤