
Me: browsing books and adding them in the library.
          	Also Me: looking at all of books I added but read them yet...


The things I wrote was deleted and somehow on hold at this moment. I planned to write and share but at this case, I’m thinking too much.
          I have many ideas for things I can write, but when I started writing it... that confidence faded away.
          I’m thinking of things I can do and create in the near future, also storing them in my idea booklet. My life & mind is in a really big mess right now and my soul & heart is confused.
          Hopefully, you would understand that not all things you’ve imagined will be your way you want it to be...


Hallo! I know I know it's literally 12:30am and writing this.. so read this til the end please...
          Well.... I can never ever drink coffee ever again. I am currently taking anti-depressant medicines and coffee was conflicting with the meds so my heart hurts.. and yes, I did drink coffee hours ago also I can't sleep...
          After watching and crying to BTS' Burn The Stage the movie, my heart suddenly feels heavy and being squeezed. Now my heart has this irregular pace of my heartbeat in each hour. Its fast then slow then normal. I want to go to the hospital.
          Wanting to cry hard.
          Needing a hug from anyone.
          Not wanting this Broken Hearted Syndrome or even a heart attack.
          Every fan wants to meet them in person. But my heart can't be satisfied with just hug from a love one. A hug from them might lighten my heart but *sighs*
          A big hug from thousands of people would help a lot.
           Thank you for reading this and thank you ARMYs for being there with your fellow ARMYs!