
Hello, again. So first, I want to acknowledge all of those who read and follow my story, it means the world to me, really. I'm sure a couple of you saw my message about taking a break a while back. Honestly, that's not what I want to do. I want to re-write some parts of the story so it actually aligns with my real life, but perhaps, this is not that story. This means that the story based off of my real life will be put on hold, while I continue to write this and other pieces of fiction, until I really work out the best way to put my life into words. Thanks again to everyone whose been keeping up with the hopeless ones, and I hope you continue to enjoy it!


Hello, again. So first, I want to acknowledge all of those who read and follow my story, it means the world to me, really. I'm sure a couple of you saw my message about taking a break a while back. Honestly, that's not what I want to do. I want to re-write some parts of the story so it actually aligns with my real life, but perhaps, this is not that story. This means that the story based off of my real life will be put on hold, while I continue to write this and other pieces of fiction, until I really work out the best way to put my life into words. Thanks again to everyone whose been keeping up with the hopeless ones, and I hope you continue to enjoy it!


Right okay, lets talk. So I've been writing The Hopeless Ones as a story from my perspective of MY LIFE. So this includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Now, if you've read my recent chapter you'll see me mentioning Vanessa, a person whose part of my friend group but I seriously can't get along with. Here is the issue, instead of her, coming and having a conversation with me about how this has hurt her, shes been complaining to every other person. I don't know if I have the right to be annoyed about this but honestly, I am. And theres a second thing that I'm gonna post here, because she doesn't want to talk to me, is that. NOT EVERYONE IS GONNA LIKE YOU. Like I'm sorry, but you actually need to get over it and accept it. Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but I seriously can't be friends with everyone, and people need to understand that. I apologise for my rant guys, but I needed to clear this up.


Oh my goodness gracious, finally got that part out. I apologise for it's length, but I'm literally starting the next chapter now because I'm in class and have zero motivation to work. Now I also have a couple other stories in mind (like another 4 ) but I'll try not to jump to them too quickly. Finally Ramadan Mubarak to all my fam out there, we are the strongest! And I will TRYYY to post soon! Love you all, thanks for the support!


Ok so I'm a horrible person, it's almost been a month since that last announcement and I STILL haven't uploaded anything. I'm sitting in class right now, typing up the final words. I hope to post it today and then get to the next chapter....uh well, my schedule is really tight right now but I'll try, just stick with me okay!


And by the way.....I am introducing some new characters today! Not super essential to the story but all in all they are important, especially later on.


Just reached 100 views!!  And guess what, we have an update coming really soon! I apologize for not bring able to update frequently but I swear I am trying my absolute best guys. Anyway love you all, see you soon!


Yooo ok so it's around 3am right now for me and I just got another story idea. I'm gonna create a new story and add the title in as well as the disclaimer to be sure about what I'm gonna do, and then I'mma leave it until I finish The Hopeless Ones. I'm gonna let you all know now that this new story is going to be called The Breaking Point. This is honestly kida crazy, maybe I'm mental, who knows, but in the end, I really hope I can write both stories


Alright everyone, getting into the moooood for writing! I just updated the over for The Hopeless Ones, hope you like it. It's just a little something I've been trying and although its not my best, I'm gonna work on improving it as the story progresses. On the matter of the story and it's progression, I will try and do an update in early February (It could be anywhere between the 1st-10th considering how lazy or busy I am) and before that I'll post another quick disclaimer giving an insight on my new plan for the story and why. Thank you guys for sticking around to read The Hopeless Ones, really appreciate it! My first oneshot will come out really soon, just doing some final editing. Love you all so much! 


Hey everyone, happy new year!! Its the start of a whole new journey for us all but I just eanted to say, I am going to continue with The Hopeless Ones as best as I can, I do apologize in advance as a lot of my chapters may take longer than a week to release however there was more support for it than I was expecting and honestly it means a lot so I'm going to keep it up. In addition to that I'm also going to be writing some on the side oneshots - they will be smut so if that isn't your thing I'm sorry. Most of it will probably be bts, most likely jungkook, but also the other members whenever I feel like it fits. I would also like to say right now that I am not trying to sexualize the members in anyway, it is just the use of their names, not their personalities and anything else about them  I will attach a disclaimer to any oneshot I post as well. So yea, happy new year everyone, can't wait for the year ahead and I hope it goes well for everyone


Hey guys, so I'm starting up my new writing process but I wanted to know, do ee still like the idea of teenfic, yk like high school romance vibes.


Guys pleaseee, I really need some inspo, help me out a bit pls


Drop me some comments of your ideas!