
Hey, y'all, I know I have a lot of reading to catch up on this past week. Life has just gotten busy. Hopefully I will be caught up in a week or si. Thanks!.


@SMase01 I can totally relate dear....These days are really too hectic but self-care is the must. Don't forget to give yourself time!


Heyy! Quick question about Diamond S Ranch on your reading lists; is the spanking/corporal punishment a large part of the story? I'm a little sensitive to it but I really want to read the book.


@YourSilverSpurs Lillie is their neighbor whom they love like a little sister, they've pretty much seen her grow up, but she will never replace Elle in their hearts. They love both girls but Elle is "theirs." 


@YourSilverSpurs I love those sweet and tender moments between Elle and her brothers!


@SMase01 me too! Also, I'm a little confused about Lillie's role in the Steele family, since it seems to me that Elle's still a little insecure about it even though she's been reassured that she's their sister and not her. It does seem like they treat her as a sister, so maybe that's where the insecurity stems from? I'm just unclear about whether that's actually Lillie's role or just a figment of Elle's imagination - her insecurities are seeping into me (vicariously living through her) haha. 


@dana12f Jodee, Aspen Holiday, and Lost as well as Running Toward the Light are good ones, too. Jodee is being raised by her big brother and his best friend, and they truly are best friends with somewhat of a sibling relationship (Jodee, Aspen Holiday, and Lost - not a lot of romantic interests mentioned in those.) Running Toward the Light also doesn't have a lot of romance mentioned the author tends to focus more on the families themselves. The 2nd oldest brother has a girlfriend. 


Hi dear how are you? Can I ask you if you know stories about brothers and family? For example, a mafia family kidnaps their young daughter, they find her after a while, and so on, but without gay characters, the main or side character. In English on Wattpad? I am sorry for disturbing you


@Thuglife948 اعرفها قريتها، احب الكاتبهه مره


            اكو رواية نفس ما تريدين بالضبط وعربية تجنن اسمها أميرة وحش المشرط تلكيها عندي بقائمة "مثالية" 