Now I've finally finished two new chapters to a story of mine. But, I may or may not change the title. But I'm going insane from thinking of a decent one. I just can't get my brain to be creative with it. Also, if anybody has any suggestions, for anything in general. Like title ideas, story ideas, whatever, please let me know. It will be greatly appreciated. I do not bite (unless necessary). Feel free to message me, I will message back almost anybody. (Besides sketchy people) I'm not one of those people who will ignore you just because I write. I'm open to making friends. So don't hesitate to send me a message. :))


Now I've finally finished two new chapters to a story of mine. But, I may or may not change the title. But I'm going insane from thinking of a decent one. I just can't get my brain to be creative with it. Also, if anybody has any suggestions, for anything in general. Like title ideas, story ideas, whatever, please let me know. It will be greatly appreciated. I do not bite (unless necessary). Feel free to message me, I will message back almost anybody. (Besides sketchy people) I'm not one of those people who will ignore you just because I write. I'm open to making friends. So don't hesitate to send me a message. :))


Are you guys glad that I finally wrote a new part to my Winwin fanfic? I wanted to apologize for procrastinating and not being able to really let myself think about how I should write the next part. But recently I’ve been studying two languages. It’s been 12 days so far I’ve been learning. And I just had a GED math test on the 17th. It was a retake. I passed everything but math. But I’m hoping maybe this time I’ll pass and finally graduate. And I’m sincerely sorry if I end up taking a long break again. But I would never give up on my stories completely. Unless I’m dead or have broken hands or just something that prevents it forever. But I’m so grateful for the support. Thank you so much. 


Gosh, I really dislike it when I get writer’s block so easily.And you would think that the dramas I watch would give me ideas..I mean sure..a little..But it’s not enough for a whole part. Ughhh I should really sleep now though. It’s 4:13 AM. Then again, I think I need to pee first. Anyways, whatever time it is for you guys, hope you guys are doing well!


I don’t think I ever mentioned I do roleplay. Although not often because there’s not many people who want to or have time for it. But I have to say, there are things that have bothered me in roleplay. Like the certain things people be into.Too much for me sometimes.


Hey guys! I’ve decided to finally update the Winwin ff. Since I’m away from that toxic place. Now I have more free time!! And less stress!! Thanks to those who have read and liked my stuff.I truly appreciate it. Makes me feel way less worthless. So be ready for my updates! Thank you for waiting.☺️


If you have any requests, don't be afraid to ask. Because honestly, even if you are too shy, I am the same way in real life. I am a very understanding and empethetic person. I really don't judge you unless you are a bully or something. So please, give me ideas or whatever. I am also open to talk personally about almost anything. I am known as an advice giver too. Although, I may not be of complete help all the time, but I try my best. I like to help others, especially if they are willing to help themselves too.


So, this may not be very smart of me but, I'm in the middle of writing TWO different stories. And spoiler, they both have murder. One of them is dedicated to my mean brother, but I still love him because he's not the worst. He cares about me deep down. Anyways, hope you guys will get creeped out or something. Thanks to everyone who's read my stories and enjoyed the weirdest ones. It's greatly appreciated.