[ :: ] catch me making Satan 


silver . . ? i smacked my head into a doorframe , got any painkillers lying around ? gluttony stole my last pack ─


hmm . . okay . . . so long as you don't mind if we have a chat , too . i need one    * they murmured before heading to the bathroom and locating the pills they needed . damn door , came out of nowhere ! *
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@enviidia                     Me? * he hadn’t been asked that and it showed as lips parted then closed, a fake cheerful smile stretching over plump flesh * yes, I’m fine. I’ll get you some water. 
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thank you ─ mm . . are you alright , silv . . ?   * they asked , rubbing their sore head for a moment as they cursed the throbbing pain *
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see  an  armless  kid  around  here ?    he's  about  five  and  may  have  been  screaming  bloody  murder ?   *   he  questioned ,   blood  coating  the  bottom  half  of  his  face  and  some  of  his  shirt .    sending  a  grin  to  the  other ,    showcasing  sharp  canines  that  were  partially  bloody .   *  


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@SINISMS ,,     well  shit  that's  a  shame .    's  okay ,   i'll  just  eat  the  damn  thing  another  time .    *   he  merely  shrugged  it  off ,   carelessly  wiping  the  blood  off  his  face  using  the  sleeve  of  his  shirt  *
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@hewantstoplay                      * dark eyes glance up from the book he was reading, gaze lingering over the others frame as long delicate fingers snap the book shut a lazily smirk on parted lips , three sets of wickedly sharp fangs peeking out almost invitingly* can’t say I have.. sorry.
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[ :: ] catch me making Satan 


[ :: ] :,) rip


 ##    oh :(  * lights candle *
            / @SINISMS 
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@jealouseas [ :: ] silvers mother fuccin hearts — 
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silver - 


            : : yeah, i'll do that i don't wanna scar anyone at all  :,)))
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@angrysmiles     [ :: ] want to send your reply in pm ? :,)  done wanna scar anyone! 
            * a breath that he hadn’t realized he was holding finally escaped ; dark eyes simply watching the man that commanded all of his feelings and body in that moment * your so beautiful.. * he didn’t feel ashamed or weird saying this, it was the truth and was glad he said it, dark eyes clouded over with want and something else he could never say out loud eyes hooded and a thin trail of saliva running from his lips, yet his expressive gaze and body language said everything he couldn’t. So when lance drug his tongue over silvers sensitive and bloody flesh he couldn’t help the low moan that escaped, his chest now flush against the others as silvers restraint nearly snapped * are you sure you want this? If you do that again I won’t be able to stop, by force or otherwise. * he should know, could feel his sin fucking the other with brutal yet loving abandon, his own body growing stiffer as he experienced it all a shaky gasp leaving him immediately while he lips where already moving, kissing the sin of wrath with so much passion it stole both of their breaths * I don’t want to stop . 
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            *  his tongue gathered the blood that ran from the bite wound he had created, some running down his mouth though quick to catch it and not let it fall on him or silver.  intoxicated with the others sin, moans, noises, and soft touches that made him only want to further what they were doing despite the fact they were only friends pushing boundaries.  dilated jade pupils looked at the bite marks on his skin slowly looking to sliver seeing his skin flushed pink  *     hmm. . .   *   he thought for a moment barely saying anything as he let himself breath for a moment, shaky hands with nails digging into the others skin the other wrapped in his hair harshly, keeping him and his shaky hands in place as he thought.  he could stop right now, forget about what just happened and drink some tea and watch whatever movie they wanted to yet seeing the way he looked how it seemed he didn't want to stop and neither did he  *    i don't think either of us want to stop.     *  he mumbled tongue dragging over a mark teeth dragging along it to create some sort of pain that the lustful sin would feel  * 
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new boss . . ? hm , now i have to learn how to suck up to you like i did with the other guy . . .
          # ;    couldn't resist ─


oh . just a / few / centuries , then . . . ahhh , pity . .    • he said with a mock sigh of disappointment •    well , a deal's a deal . firstly , age is just a number , so i'll let you decide : my mind's still eighteen , my current body is twenty , and if i were alive still i'd be twenty - eight . compared to you , i feel like a fetus . honestly . . . and as for experience , well . . i've only been in this line of work for four years . so i feel like , no matter what i say i know , it's still going to be incredibly inadequate    • he said sheepishly , a painted nail giving his temple a brief scratch before tucking a stray curl away behind his ear •
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@luvsucker                    I’ve been in hell just shy over a thousand. But.. my age is a lot higher than your guess, dear sweet boy. I’m twenty one thousand seven hundred and four. * he offered a sweet, yet down right sexy grin as dark rivers of gold smoldered lazily within chocolate eyes a breathless musical laugh escaping his ivory throat * looks like I win.. tell me.. how old are you? What do you know about pleasing others? Don’t leave anything out... I’ll know. 
            [ :: ] lmao I know 
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a bet . . ? hmmm . . i don't make a habit of gambling , but i suppose the stakes could be a lot worse . forty - eight should be enough time for a decent private lesson , right ? after all , who better to teach the tricks of the trade to a young , clueless incubus than you ? though something tells me i'll be wau off the mark , hun . i've only been in hell for ten years , aha . . ~
            # ;    shh lorrie loves it tho :'3
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