Hey everyone, I have some bad news.
          	I'll be putting myself on hiatus until August, due to college and all that other thing, and I really need to focus on it. 
          	But I assure you, I'll be back and continue to write the story. I'm not dead, I just went on break. 
          	Have a lovely day, and I'll see you in August.


Hey everyone, I have some bad news.
          I'll be putting myself on hiatus until August, due to college and all that other thing, and I really need to focus on it. 
          But I assure you, I'll be back and continue to write the story. I'm not dead, I just went on break. 
          Have a lovely day, and I'll see you in August.


Hey everyone
          Sorry for not updating for too long.
          I was... busy with IRL and too focused on writing other stuff.
          Some details about IRL is that I was didn't have time to write more because of the assignments and I had to finished them quickly.
          For the 'too focused on writing other stuff' part, I was... writing for the Infinite Loops Project in Spacebattles. For those who are curious go find Chainsaw Man and Arknights in Infinite Loop Project, that's what I've been writing most of the time, which includes some fixing and improving in order to get canonized. With it, I also improved thanks to the writers there helping some parts here and there. Last year in November, I finally reached it. I finally got canonized. I got some plans on what to do with the story now, but at the moment I realized... that I had other stuff to write.
          Which is why I have come to a schedule. A schedule that not only keep in touch with what I wrote, but also a way to learn managing.
          So here's the current schedule now.
          1. Wattpad stories (Main story)
          2. Fanfiction net stories (Side story)
          3. Spacebattles loops (Infinite loop story)
          Basically, I will write one chapter at at time then continue to the next place, and repeat from 1 to 2 to 3 to 1 again.
          I hope you like the new schedule I put up, and this will make things more fair.
          Once again, I'm sorry for not being around for so long.
          Also happy new year everyone! :D
          Oh! P.s The previously discontinued fics will be deleted to save some space and to make it more tidy so expect them to be moved to what I like to call the archive. This archive will be shared sometime in the future so yeah. I'll post it later.
          That  is all.


I'll also put it in 'about'


Hey everyone... it's been a while.
          You might be wondering where I have been, well, I've been busy with making snips in the Infinite Loops Project in Spacebattles. After 6 months of writing snips, I finally got accepted. 
          If you seen any Chainsaw Man snip in Infinite Anime Loops thread, that's me! I'm proud of myself with what I have accomplished.
          After writing and rewriting the snips, I have come to a realization that... my pacing and world building sucks. With that, I have decided to reboot SWMP... again. 
          With that, I also decided to go back to the planning board and see if I can correct any mistakes or inconsistencies that I made with the plan I had. I should mention, that this story is going to serve as a prototype to an official story someday in the future...
          So yeah in conclusion, I'm rebooting SWMP and the laid out plan that I had. 
          Here's a little cutscene.
          "You finished yet?" Theresa asked.
          "Yep, I'm done." Arthur said as he continously typed.
          "Alright, just remember that we have all the time in the world to see where this story would go."
          "Yeah I know, but... it's just not it you know? Besides, with you around, nothing is impossible when it comes to reboots."
          "Guh! S-shut up idiot!"
          "What? Was it something I said?"
          "R-rebooting now!"


          Also luck is on my side this month.
          Andddd I still have lots to do with irl stuff
          Oh I also got accepted in the Infinite Loop Project series in Spacebattles, well partially accepted.
          That's something right?