
@randomnovelist2life @JaquelineOliveira312 @QueenOfAllFangirls @CutiePie31306
          	1. One thing you can't leave the house without.
          	A water bottle because I get as dry as a desert.
          	2. Favorite makeup
          	Burt's Bees lipstick, of course. I don't leave the house without it on.
          	3. Favorite flowers
          	Bluebells, orchids, violets, yellow roses, and the flowers on the belladonna plant.
          	4. Favorite clothing store
          	Hard one... Probably Zulily? That's not just for clothes, though...
          	5. Favorite perfume
          	I make my own perfume. I wear a scent consisting of anise, vanilla, witch hazel, and coconut oil.
          	6. Heels or flats
          	Heels, bitch.
          	7. Do you get good grades
          	Yes... Except in math. I'll never get good grades in math.
          	8. Favorite colors
          	Red, green, black, and celeste blue.
          	9. Do you drink energy drinks
          	Nope. That would make me go W I L D.
          	10. Do you drink juice #mangojuiceforlife
          	11. Do you like swimming
          	My first word was 'agua' which is Spanish for water, so yeah.
          	12. Do you eat fries with a fork
          	Excuse me?!? Is that even a thing?
          	13. What's your favorite moisturizer
          	Lol... Coconut oil?
          	14. Do you plan on getting married
          	Yes- I'm a hopeless romantic. My honeymoon will be in Italy.
          	15. Do you get mad easily?
          	Yes... It's a family thing.
          	16. Are you into ghost hunting?
          	I can not think of anything a love more. I love anything paranormal!
          	17. Any phobias
          	Drowning, spiders, bugs in general, wet food on dishes in the sink, old cartoons.
          	18. Do you bite your nails
          	I used to, but I grew out of it.
          	19. Have you had a near death experience?
          	Yes: drowning, an accident on swing, car accident, etc.
          	20. Do you drink coffee


@randomnovelist2life @JaquelineOliveira312 @QueenOfAllFangirls @CutiePie31306
          1. One thing you can't leave the house without.
          A water bottle because I get as dry as a desert.
          2. Favorite makeup
          Burt's Bees lipstick, of course. I don't leave the house without it on.
          3. Favorite flowers
          Bluebells, orchids, violets, yellow roses, and the flowers on the belladonna plant.
          4. Favorite clothing store
          Hard one... Probably Zulily? That's not just for clothes, though...
          5. Favorite perfume
          I make my own perfume. I wear a scent consisting of anise, vanilla, witch hazel, and coconut oil.
          6. Heels or flats
          Heels, bitch.
          7. Do you get good grades
          Yes... Except in math. I'll never get good grades in math.
          8. Favorite colors
          Red, green, black, and celeste blue.
          9. Do you drink energy drinks
          Nope. That would make me go W I L D.
          10. Do you drink juice #mangojuiceforlife
          11. Do you like swimming
          My first word was 'agua' which is Spanish for water, so yeah.
          12. Do you eat fries with a fork
          Excuse me?!? Is that even a thing?
          13. What's your favorite moisturizer
          Lol... Coconut oil?
          14. Do you plan on getting married
          Yes- I'm a hopeless romantic. My honeymoon will be in Italy.
          15. Do you get mad easily?
          Yes... It's a family thing.
          16. Are you into ghost hunting?
          I can not think of anything a love more. I love anything paranormal!
          17. Any phobias
          Drowning, spiders, bugs in general, wet food on dishes in the sink, old cartoons.
          18. Do you bite your nails
          I used to, but I grew out of it.
          19. Have you had a near death experience?
          Yes: drowning, an accident on swing, car accident, etc.
          20. Do you drink coffee


Just a friendly reminder you have to follow me ‘cause am judging your book for Sakura Petal Awards ;)


  Good luck for the contest ;)


@Lostinwoods_ Oh yeah! Of course!