
finishing up the final scene of the next chapter before i go through editing it! should be up earliest later tonight, latest tomorrow morning :) 


oml i cannot wait! i’m about to reread the whole fic 


btw, it’s gonna be super long, as in, 15,000 words long 


Hi, I was just wondering when the last chapters of your book will be uploaded? I know in Nov of last year you said you were nearly done but the last update was in sep of that year. Just checking :)


My bad the last update was in Nov, don’t know where I got sept from, but the rest of the season is still not done, no pressure


finishing up the final scene of the next chapter before i go through editing it! should be up earliest later tonight, latest tomorrow morning :) 


oml i cannot wait! i’m about to reread the whole fic 


btw, it’s gonna be super long, as in, 15,000 words long 


hey besties !! i know i’ve been on a bit of a break with my writing, but i come bearing good news 
          next week i’ll be finishing up the last two chapters, since i’ll finally be a bit free and have a not crazy schedule to an extent. i’m so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long !! 
          thank you guys so much for all your patience and sweet comments, ily guys sm <3
          hope you guys like the last two before season 5  (hopefully not as long as it was to make season 4 ) 


Hey hope you're doing well and that you're okay


i’m doing good! just VERY busy since i’m doing a lot this year, the next chapters are coming by really slow so i’m hoping to get them out thanksgiving break bc that’s when i’m gonna be free to write, i’m sorry it’s so late 


hey besties!! chapter isn’t quite finished yet, might have to wait till tuesday to post it due to school being super strict about phones this year for some reason as well as two back to back practices on monday  it’ll be out soon though !! can’t guarantee today though, thank you for your patience :) 


hey besties!! i just wanted to let you guys know that tomorrows update is gonna be a bit postponed, i’m almost done with it but i can’t guarantee that it’ll be done tomorrow, thank you so much for your understanding !! <33