
@julicloaly pleasure (;


@julicloaly no problem.
          Its fine. Im not mad at you really. It just when i read (Not) Close Enough i feel some connection between me and that book u ate writing. 
          I feel like ur doing me. The main character is how am i and that someone trying to describe me and get to know me but (Not) Close Enough that what i feel. And for someone who wrote this book really really got me like you did thats why i love this book and i like you and what ur doing. I feel like theres someone acknowledge me. Thankyou for inbox-ing me and let me know all you're book. And i think i will give a try for it. Im so sure i will love it as i love (N)CE. (: 


Of course! 
            And I'm so relieved you're not mad :)
            I'd love it if you gave the others a try and tell me what you think :D


Thanks for following me! I'm really sorry that I took down (Not) Close Enough, but I really needed to get rid of the books that were on hold and focus on the three I'm working on.
          I hope you're not too mad at me! 
          Although, if you liked (N)CE, you'll definitely like Sanctuary, and probably Black Out and You Matter to Me as well. I suggest you give them a try ;)