
I kinda forgot about this account


Does anyone know any good guided meditation. Cause I’m trying to meditate but I’m terrible at doing it so I want to try to do a guided one


@25Wolfneko I don't know any specifically for that but I recommend meditations to talk to your future self so you can see what you could possibly become. I recommend doing that more than once because the future is never set completely so keep going until you see yourself in a species you like the look of.


@Pop_Witch64  I was thinking one to help me with which mythical I should be or one to help with mythical results


@25Wolfneko What kind of meditation are you looking for?


So I don’t know what happened but a little while ago the boosters I was listening to just stopped and I was trying to get it to play so then I re entered my internet and then it fixed it self so ya that’s odd. But it only happened on my phone which is how I listen to subliminals.